Students from the Talmud Torah (Hebrew School) at the Agudas Achim Synagogue prepare to conduct their own junior congregation services for the high holidays and sabbath. This photo accompanied a newspaper article discussing the 1948 Jewish New Year holiday (Rosh Hashanah 5709 ). Seated from left to right: Ruth Ann Novick, Susan Stein, Meril Sweet, Gloria Rozansky, SandraTurchik and Riva Mazur. Standing second row: Sandra Aronin, Donna Navin, Eva Barash, Judith Shapiro, Miriam Feigenbaum, and Phyllys Mintz. On the stairs from lower left to top: Jimmy Ehrman, Jefferey Rosenfeld, Harvey Barash, Herman Shapiro, and Abraham Schwartz. On the stairs from lower right to top: Ronald Sweet, Cyrus Joseph, Marshall Shapiro, and Samuel Moss. Standing at the pulpit level from left to right: Stuart Rosenfeld (holding the torah scroll),Irwin Rosenberg, Alan Lerner, Gary Sweet, Michael Stein (blowing the shofar/ram’s horn), Rabbi Max A. Lipschitz, Michael Lewis, Marshall Mintz, Melvin Goldfein, and Ben Heifitz (holding the right torah scroll).
Copyright 1948, Wisconsin State Journal. All rights reserved.
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